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Chapter 6: Downloading InfoPaks

BackWeb includes a file-transfer mechanism for transferring information between the channel server and your computer. InfoPaks are downloaded automatically during the on-line time of your regular Internet sessions. BackWeb has a unique algorithm called Polite Technology for monitoring the communications link between your computer and the Internet, and transfers small portions of InfoPak information when the communications link utilization rate is low. This avoids significant interference with other communications applications being transmitted over the link.

You may choose to utilize the network normally. In this case, BackWeb will download InfoPaks at a normal rate, which may slow down other networking applications such as browsers and email. A description o of the current download taking place appears in the status line at the bottom of the BackWeb window.

Viewing the Download Process

You can view the downloading process by choosing the Download Status command in the File menu.

The following information is provided about the InfoPaks being downloaded:

Where the InfoPak comes from (Channel name).
InfoPak name and type.
The percentage of the InfoPak already downloaded.
Total size of the InfoPak.
Download start time.

A message informing you of BackWeb network usage appears at the bottom right of the window. Possible status messages are:

Set to Full Speed. BackWeb is set in the Global Options to utilize the network normally (this means other network applications may be slowed down).
Not Downloading. There is no download activity.
None. The Polite Agent detected network activity and stopped BackWeb’s network utilization.
Reduced Speed. The Polite Agent detected a momentary lull in network activity and utilizes the bandwidth to download InfoPaks.
Full Speed. The Polite Agent detected no network activity and is downloading InfoPaks utilizing full bandwidth.

Aborting InfoPak Downloading

To abort an InfoPak download:

1.Right click on the InfoPak being downloaded.
2.Choose Abort Download from the pop-up menu.


1.Select the InfoPak being downloaded.
2.Click the ABORT DOWNLOAD hot button.

Suspending Downloading

BackWeb provides you with the ability to suspend all downloading of InfoPaks.

To pause downloading, choose Suspend Downloading from the Preferences menu, or from the BackWeb icon’s pop-up menu.
To resume downloading, choose Resume Downloading from the Preferences menu, or from the BackWeb icon’s pop-up menu.

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